A step-by-step guide
beautyoptics how to insert colored contact lens

Wash your hands with plain soap without any moisturisers or perfumes, rinse well, then dry your hands.

Check that the contact lens is the right way up. Place the contact lens on the tip of your index finger and hold it up to the light. It should look like a bowl with straight edges. If the edges curve outwards it’s inside out – just add a few drops of solution and gently turn the contact lens the right way round.

Place the contact lens on the tip of your index finger and with the middle finger of the same hand pull down your lower eyelid. Use the fingers of your other hand to lift your upper eyelid and place the contact lens directly onto your eye.

Whilst looking down release the lower eyelid first, then the upper lid. Blink gently to centre the contact lens.


Hidrocor colored contacts removal

Wash your hands with plain soap without any moisturisers or perfumes, rinse well, then dry your hands.

Look up and keep your head straight. Use your middle finger to pull down your lower eyelid. 

Using the same hand place the tip of your index finger on the lower edge of the contact lens and slide it downward, onto the white part of your eye. 

Using the same hand gently pinch the contact lens between thumb and index finger and slowly remove the lens from your eye. It can take a while to get used to handling contact lenses, so don’t worry if you don’t get the hang of it straight away.

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Reusable contact lenses should be cleaned and stored in the contact lens case and solution that has been recommended by your opticians or contact lens optician. Never use tap water to clean your contact lenses or lens case.

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